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Coping With Grief: How To Handle The Loss Of A Spouse

In your vows you say “til death do us part,” but you are never truly prepared for it. You’ve been married for years, experienced life’s ups and downs, and grown old together. Suddenly they are gone...
By Jackie Waters
Friday, July 7, 2017


Most people have no concept of the overpowering nature of grief until they face it on a personal level. They most likely encountered family or friends who were grieving and wondered why they were s...
By Steve Moeller
In Grief
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Memorialization Options

[Memorialization Options for Cremated Remains] SYMBOLIC ASHES CAN BE A POWERFUL STATEMENT Old-style funeral homes are extinct. It really is a case of adapt or miss out in this business. If you’r...
By Jason Manuge
Monday, January 30, 2017

Importance of personalizing a funeral

A funeral service provides an opportunity to memorialize a loved one in a specific, formal way. Any such service will help mourners to express their grief, but a personalized one will have a much g...
By Frazer Consultants
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Previous Posts

10 Signs You May Need Grief Counseling

East Orange, NJ funeral homes, cremations and grief go hand in hand. Everyone deals with grief differently, be it taking quiet time away from people, seeking comfort of friends and family, o...

Do I Need An Estate Planning Attorney?

No one wants to think about funeral homes and cremations in Edison, NJ, but its important to plan and protect your family in case anything should happen to you. An estate planning&...

10 Ways To Mark A Death Anniversary

While grief and loss tend to lessen over time, the anniversary of a death is never easy. However, it’s possible to turn those painful days into moments for healing through meaningful acknowledgem...

Funeral Home and Cremation Veterans’ Services

Working in the armed forces or as a US service member is an amazing personal sacrifice, and our veterans deserve our gratitude and honor in any way we can give it. One wa...

Helping Your Child Through Grief

For adults and children alike, the grieving process can be long and difficult. If you’ve recently had to deal with a funeral home or cremation in Somerset, NJ, your child may be having a tou...

5 Documents To Prepare Before Your Death

While it may be difficult to accept that you’ll due one day, death in an inevitable part of life. One way to make death a little less scary is to make sure you’re as prepared as possible. From ma...

History Of Cremations in The USA

Cremation has been getting more and more popular in recent years, but where did it come from? And how did it go from ancient fires to modern cremations in Edison, NJ? Early History While most peo...