It is with Deep Sympathy that the Holland Family, Tampa,FL express our condolences. We may not have been there in body with you Barbara McEachin Burton , Justin, Brandon and Douglas but we were and are in spirit and prayer. We love and support you. Encourage your strength and peace.
Cousins Beverly, Ranita, Artice L. and Artice Ray.
Greetings: I'm very sorry for your loss. I went through a similar situation and I was very helped by the hope that I found in the Bible in John 5:28, which says, "Do not amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I am sending you a link with more information on this hope.
To BB, Doug, Justin, & Brandon. Although, I did not know Harry. I felt like I have known him for years through BB. I must comend you on your care and concern for Harry over the past several months. Although, you were no longer a couple, God gave you the strength and the patience to make him as comfortable as possible during his last days on this side of earth. May God continue to bless you and give you comfort and the "peace" that surpasses all understanding. Much Love & Prayers, Silva & CJU