Sunday, November 15, 2020
It has taken me many months to process your loss. I have thought many times that this cannot be real and I even refused to believe it for a time. The many years we shared in secret were hard to bear but knowing we will never be together as we planned is unbearable at times. I ask myself if it was all for nothing or if it was worth the sacrifices I made and I sometimes regret it. I believed we would finally be together and that was taken away before we could make our dream come true. I am very thankful for the time we had but I am left empty handed with just photos and memories of 12 years of a love so deep and pure. Circumstances dictated the outcome and though I disagree I trust I will see you again. If I had it to do all over again I would readily make the same sacrifice for what we were able to share. May you be at peace forever and ever. Amen.